
Good early morning world!! Its been a tough couple of months with me falling ill. I am finally strong enough and not in pain KNOCK ON WOOD. I was able to paint for the first time a couple of days ago I was so grateful for that. Feels great to be out of bed outside walking around enjoying things. I went to the park with my three children yesterday it was wonderful 🙂 Had the park to ourselves.  I have been answering emails and getting back into orders. I have some other fun things up my sleeve but have my husband helping me with those so i’m not so stressed out and over working myself,

Today I am posting a link to an Interview I did with Honeysuckle Mag out of NYC. I am hesitant to share this with you today as it digs deep into something I never really talk detail about and that is my Schizophrenia.  Most of you know I live with this strange disease but i never give details of what i suffer with everyday symptoms. It is very tough opening up about this but kinda figured it would be like therapy for me in a way. Maybe some will see what goes on with me everyday and how it is a struggle i deal with on top of my everyday walking life. My forgetfulness is pushed to the limit everyday due to my schizophrenia. Some may understand me a little more by reading this and why i am the way i am when talking to me or just doing everyday business with me. I do not speak of all my symptoms like my speech how sometimes i make no sense. In my brain i can hear myself talking but it comes out all mixed up and makes no sense sometimes.  If you would like to read my interview in which i am very nervous to share. Click the link and it will take you to HONEYSUCKLE MAGS website.  http://www.honeysucklemag.com/welcome-to-the-eclectic-mind-of-heather-gleason/

Please feel free to leave a comment for me on my facebook fan page or on the Honeysuckle magazine comments section below the article. This is a new door open a little strange for me but i will wear my big girl pants and try and answer some questions if you have any. 🙂 Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
