AWitchLivesHereHeatherGleason2015Original zzz888 ghostinthewellgleason2016

Many of us have different ideas what a Haunted House looks like as a child. Hearing Spooky stories from friends. Some may have a few of their own stories. We still talk about those Spooky Stories, Haunted Houses or experiences today. If they were memories from your childhood or now being an adult. Some live for those scary memories. That is why you are here, I create images that spark that memory of ghost stories, Halloween. They are wonderful for you. Why are they so wonderful? Well i am still trying to figure out why i like spooky things so much myself. I’m certain you are too. It just is and hey why not just enjoy it. September 17th I am opening my Home / Studio to the public. I will be transforming my studio space into a Spooky shop. I will have paintings, Prints, Sculptures, refabed Vintage finds all spooked up for Halloween. This is a 1 day only event. 11AM-5PM. Come on in and view all the goodies in Person. Enjoy the Experience.  If you live out of the area or out of state. NO WORRIES…i will be hosting an online event. I will be doing live Facebook feed right from my home. This Facebook live feed will only be available for 1 hour. I am still trying to figure out a time for the live Facebook feed so everyone can log on. I will be chatting about the artwork i have available and if you have questions feel free to ask anything during the live event. Artwork will be available for purchase. If you live in the NY area stop by say Hello. Each visiting guest will receive a small Gift 🙂 Spooky Snacks and drinks will be served. I will have 1-2 Pop up sales during the Halloween Season this year. Not to many as things can get pretty Hectic with shows. Doing this online Event will ensure there is no delays in Shipping. Everything will be shipped at once. You will receive your artwork in time for all your Halloween decorating mid September. 🙂 🙂 I will give small peeks to what I will be offering in August as artwork come to completion. So save some extra cash weekly until then. I will be offering all sorts of Halloween items at different prices. Mark Your calendars September 17th. If you are stopping by to say hi in person. my Address will be posted the night before the event. If you would like to do Haunted Home Online log on to Facebook for the live feed. Time will be posted shortly. Still trying to iron that out.
