Happy New Year friends.

I hope everyone is off to a great start. 

2017 is here and I have a lot of little creatures rumbling around inside my noggin anxiously waiting to get out. These little creatures have been screaming ideas in my head Well they seem like pretty good ideas to me.

Last Halloween Season I hosted an Open Studio here at my home. It was a success and I plan on having another one sometime the beginning of September. Some of you traveled very far to pick up the first of what I had for the 2016 Halloween Season. Special Pieces are worked on throughout the year and Presented in September for all you Halloween Collector Fanatics. I have some Beautiful pieces of wood I will be working very hard on for this fall. Making a come back is the Ouija Board Table, Coffin Clocks, and Coffin Book Shelves in 2 different sizes. Lots of Painting my hands will be busy.

This year/fall I plan on having several classes at the Historical Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. It truly is a Beautiful Place to visit a city in itself. Each Class will have a different theme. Remember Classes sell out FAST! Seating is limited as the class takes place in the the Small Chapel inside the cemetery grounds. So if you want to know when tickets go on sale for the class go to the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and sign up to get emails for their events this coming Fall. 🙂

   I will not be posting pop up sales that much this year as I plan on working on many pieces including some larger oil paintings that I have neglected for some time now. I will be posting short video clips of  painting projects or in the works as you would say. Just to see what I am up to. I will time to time have sales on my website and the occasional Pop up sale on Facebook. SO if you do not see me for a while posting work for sale. NO worries. I am working on some cool things. Gives collectors time to save a little change for some originals. I will be offering a whole bunch of new prints this year. So no worries there either.  I recently cleared out my art studio and have some pieces i will be offering up online for sale just so they have Happy Homes. Look for that sale within the next few weeks. 

Well enough for now. Gotta run i will be back soon!








