Hello friends. It is April and the weather is getting delightfully warmer. I love spring and everything that comes along with it. I miss flowers all winter long. So once warmer weather arrives I get the itch to paint some flowers. Weather it be tiny little flowering weeds or fully blossoming detailed roses. Hey you never know what you may get each day with me. Lots of creepy weird things and flowers mixed into my future. 🙂 Check back once or twice a week for new original artwork along with Print Bundles.

I’m currently looking into totally updating my website. This means the look and feel will be different. Very soon my website will be completely cell phone compatible. No need to zoom in with your finger three or four times or rush to your desk or laptops.  Shopping will be a lot easier. I will be offering a lot of new clothing designs something that I have been working on years to perfect. Let me tell you it has been no easy task. It will start out small but I will continue to offer new designs often.

Well friends I hope all of you are well. Thanks for stopping by!!!
