Mini Coffins and Coffin Shelves are now in the making. Husband is working on different sizes as I type. Each one will be hand painted by myself with different themes and colors. 😊💀👀

The coffin shelves will vary in size most will be able to fit on a tabletop places valuables, collectibles, place it in your kitchen as a Spooky Spice Rack. Look for the first coffin shelves next week or first week in June. 

I will be making larger almost life size coffin paintings as well. There will be very limited number of these depending on interest i get from you fiends out there. We will see. No pics for today but the coffins as I start to paint them process photos will be uploaded. 

For now go check out the new piece I added to my store this morning. The Crimson Ghost Coffin painting. He is very cool!! Have a Fangtastic day!!!!
